Corruption Test
Corruption Test – Korruptionstest is an ongoing series of postal experiments.
Whenever I am abroad, or when friends or acquaintances of mine travel somewhere exotic, I ask them to send me two postcards
Mail Art means toying with postal services by sending weird stuff by mail and waiting to see what might happen.
Corruption Test – Korruptionstest is an ongoing series of postal experiments.
Whenever I am abroad, or when friends or acquaintances of mine travel somewhere exotic, I ask them to send me two postcards
I spent the original date of Brexit (March 29th 2019) in London. When I booked the trip in the beginning of March that year, it… Read More »Brexit Postcards
I sent a postcard to the NSA.
Back when I tried to become a US Army contractor and ate oysters…
I designed packaging to ship a raw egg. It was lasercut for my by Molly Hubbs.
A Postcard made from Lego.
A postcard made from cheese.
I mailed a GAME BOY