Theobald Tiger: Absage
“Absage” is a series of AI generated images using Kurt Tucholskys 1920 poem of the same name.
Robin's Art
“Absage” is a series of AI generated images using Kurt Tucholskys 1920 poem of the same name.
Coal Wasteland is a series of photographs taken during the artist residency kodekü in the open pit open pit lignite (brown coal) mine Tagebau Welzow… Read More »Coal Wasteland
Corruption Test – Korruptionstest is an ongoing series of postal experiments.
Whenever I am abroad, or when friends or acquaintances of mine travel somewhere exotic, I ask them to send me two postcards
Re-Gram is an interactive analogue Instagram. I usually print the last several hundred pictures from my Instagram feed on 10x15cm. The images are presented in… Read More »Re-Gram
Slow Motion Video of a dandelion set on fire.
„Vermehrt Schönes!“ translates to „Increase Beauty!“. It is an edition of screenprinted posters onto which a layer of shredded € banknotes has been applied. The… Read More »Vermehrt Schönes!
With "Don't Panic" printed surgical masks on the occasion of the first lockdown
The Grass is always greener on the other Side. Six billion euros is the amount that the European Union paid Turkey between 2016-2018 to prevent… Read More »Fortress Europe.
Corona art: Spring 2020, Corona and the lockdown dominate the media. Toilet paper is, if it is still in stock at all, only sold in… Read More »Pandemic toilet paper